Gas Purification

Depollution of Industrial Engines

Purifier 3 drawers (DOC + SCR + AmmoSlip) and FAP

Scrubber with 3 removable catalysts (DOC+SCR+AmmoSlip) and 1 DPF

Specialist gas cleaning and decontamination of industrial engines, SEV-Services is a research company and construction of turnkey facilities, for emission reduction diesel or gas engines.

For the particular problem of reduction of nitrogen oxides (NOx), it has developed a specific SCR system: Sev-Nox.

  • Reducing Nitrogen Oxides (NO)
  • SCR and DPF systems
  • Filters and Purifiers solutions
  • Metal Catalysts

According to their powers and their uses,

  • Diesel locomotives
  • Canal boats and marine
  • Generators
  • Large Combustion Plants (LCPs) Industrial

are subject to Community rules on the main pollutants they emit:

  • NOx
  • Particles
  • CO
  • HC

    Similarly, biogas plants that thrive in rural areas, must also equip themselves against the risk of pollution they produce gas: Formaldehyde (CH2O).